Ralph Ottey, A Memoir
From the wartime RAF to a life in Boston, Lincolnshire

Ralph Ottey's memoir provides fascinating detail about his life, from his birth and childhood in Little London, Jamaica to his wartime years in the RAF and his post-war career in Lincolnshire. The first part of the book describes the details of his life, social activities, family networks and education in Little London in the 1920s and 1930s.
In 1944, Ralph joined the RAF and the second section of this work describes his experience of training and serving in the forces in England during the war and the way in which he was prepared for 'civvy street' at the end of the war.
The final section of the book describes his life and work in Boston Lincolnshire since 1948, including his family, his experience of working with businesses large and small over forty years, and his passion for cricket.